How to Create & Protect New Ideas
Where does creative inspiration come from? Is it a seed planted in the ground that grows with sunlight as in a desire met with practice? From originals to the remakes with new twists counts as a new creation in our culture. The people who paved the way during the print revolution for a precursor to the digital age is what it’s all based on. By reviewing the past, a future remix if you will, can be created from open-source materials. Everything is a Remix Have you ever been upset that someone stole “your idea” and then some time down the road find yourself taking a piece of someone’s idea and making it your own? How do you face this moral dilemma of hypocrisy? The documentary ‘Everything is a Remix’ takes this topic head-on. Where do ideas come from anyway? The documentary is brilliant in explaining how most inventions are people taking three different concepts and mixing them up and making it into something new that is all of their own. For example, patens can be used...